The answer is very simple. Your home is your temple, your refuge, where you go after a long work day, where you celebrate life. Think about all the happy events that have taken place in your home. Birthdays, holidays, or just entertaining those whom you love.
Every home has its charm. That charm is created by you. Your signature is everywhere. Even choosing kitchen towels makes a difference, for the simple reason that that is what you like, and this is enough to have a beautiful home, and most importantly love your home, not for the objects as such, but because they have helped you create a home. A home you love.
Your designer,

This is a great idea Michelle! I will truly enjoy reading your blog my beautiful friend!
Having the pleasure of working with Michelle, I can honestly say that she is immensely talented and extremely professional. I look forward to reading her blog!
Looking forward to reading these!
Awesome! Side note we are having the exterior of our home painted as we speak with your suggested color combinations. Thank you as it’s starting to look very nice.
I love it 🙏