As an entrepreneur, we experience ups and downs in our businesses but also when we work for others. The businesses don't close, a client doesn't pay, or new business opportunities are

scarce. Any of these challenges is more than enough to bring us down and shake our confidence.
My post today is to encourage everyone who's lost some or all confidence in what they do. If you are in the place you are working is because somehow that was your call when you chose to do it. If that's not your case, I also encourage you to find what makes you want to go to work every morning because that is giving yourself confidence that what you are doing is what you do best. Go, find it.
I started my own business later in life with successes and setbacks and still love my creative business because I can do many things but this is what I know best, and I'm always excited to take on new projects with clients, future clients, potential clients, or anyone who believes in my work.
While I'm here to request your business, I also appreciate any support in building it. If you're not currently seeking design services, you can still assist me by referring me to others who might be interested, sharing my work with those who would appreciate what I do, or looking around and seeing if there's some area of your home you wish to improve. When you're ready for that project, remember I'm a call or text away.
Believe in yourself, that's my message to you today as I try to believe in myself every day!

Many thanks!
Your designer,

Here is my last powder room design concept for dear returning clients in their new home in Buckhead, Atlanta, GA.
Copyright 2023 Michelle Soasti Interiors, LLC.